Saturday, September 09, 2006

Allan's Library Blog 2.0

And we're off! Change for this blog has forever been at the back of my mind throughout the latter stages of the summer; I've been planning how to establish a new look for quite a while. (Not to say that the previous design wasn't adequate -- it was time for a change). Here's the push that paved the way for this to be done: LIBR 534 - Health Information Sources and Services, a course which I am taking at the moment. It was exactly the spark that was necessary for igniting this change to hopefully a bigger and better, more informative web log. Hence, my upcoming blog entries will have a more health information-related theme.

For my first posting, I'd like to go historical and introduce Andreas Vesalius, who was an anatomist and author of one of the most influential books on human anatomy, De Humani Corporis Fabrica (translated, it is "On the Workings of the Human Body"). This expensive piece of work can be found at UBC's Woodward Biomedical Library's Charles Woodward Memorial Room.

1 comment:

Dean Giustini said...

Nice. Allan 2.0

Thanks for blogging about medical history. Greg and I used to lecture
about this, but we ditched it this year. When the librarians at Woodward talk of Vesalius, we often say either "The Fabrica" or "The Vesalius".

Woodward has one of only a handful of these in the world. Isn't medicine cool? Check out the Vesalius here:

- Dean