I'm so pleased to be working with Megan Meredith-Lobay, who is the Scientific Analyst, Digital Humanities and Social Sciences at UBC together on an exciting project. We are co-editors of a special edition of Digital Library Perspectives, a journal that explores new understandings and definitions of what is a digital library. In this issue, we focus on the emerging field of digital humanities, the evolution of the term, and the ways it's being presented and practised by scholars and researchers, particularly examining it outside of the traditional parameters of what one usually considers DH. So yes, we're looking at shaking up the boundaries a bit, and experimenting with new ideas and processes while we're at it. But we need your help -- if you have something in the works, please do consider submitting it to this special issue, which will be first LIS academic journal devoting an entire issue to DH.
Call for Papers: Digital Humanities – The Shifting Contexts
This special edition of Digital Library Perspectives focuses on the topic of Digital Humanities, with emphasis on the shifting framework of scholars and practitioners who do not necessarily identify themselves digital humanists but use Digital Humanities tools and practices in their work. The Guest Editors of this issue include Dr. Megan Meredith-Lobay (University of British Columbia) and Allan Cho (University of British Columbia).
The co-editors invite contributions on the following, as well as other related topics:
- Role of LIS in supporting non-traditional DH areas of scholarship, i.e. New Media Studies, Musicology, Archaeology, non-textual DH
- Emerging areas of research, teaching, learning in the digital scholarship in the social sciences and humanities
- Beyond “What is DH?” - exploring “Why DH?”
- Non-traditional DH practice and practitioners: inclusion and exclusion
- DH in non-western contexts
- The intersections between DH and digital social science
- Digital Humanities as Data Science
- Papers due: 1 February 2018
- First round decisions made: February 2018
- Revised manuscripts due: March 2018
- Final decisions made: April 2018
- Planned publication: Volume 34 Issue 3 (August) 2018
- Papers should be no more than 6000 words
- Submissions to Digital Library Perspectives are made using ScholarOne Manuscripts, the online submission and peer review system. Registration for an account needs to be created first: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dlp.
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