Chapters & Books

Cho, Allan & Sarah Zhang.  "A Legacy of Race and Data: Mining the History of Exclusion."  Future Horizons — Canadian Digital Humanities.  Eds. Paul Barrett & Sarah Roger.  Ottawa: Ottawa University Press, 2023: 389-406. [Link]

Lo, Patrick, Chiu, Dickson, Cho, Allan, & Allard, Bradley.  Conversations with Leading Academic and Research Library Directors.  Elsevier Chandos, 2018. [Link]

Lo, Patrick, Cho, Allan & Chiu, Dickson.  World´s Leading National, Public, Monastery and Royal Library Directors
Leadership, Management, Future of Libraries. 
DeGruyter Saur, 2017. [Link]

Cho, Allan, Lo, Patrick & Chiu, Dickson. Journey to the East: Conversations with the World’s Leading East Asian Librarians, Archivists, and Curators.  Elsevier, 2017. [Link]

Lin, Julia, Cho, Allan & Wong-Chu, Jim. AlliterAsian Twenty Years of Ricepaper Magazine.  Arsenal Press, 2015. [Link]

Cho, Allan. "Diversity Pathways in Librarianship: Some of the Challenges Faced and Lessons learned as a Canadian-born Chinese Male Librarian."  Aboriginal and Visible Minority Librarians: Oral Histories from Canada.  Lanham: Rowmand & Littlefield, 2014. [Link]

Cho, Allan. Collaboration as Outreach in the 21st Century Academic Library.” Bringing the Arts into the Library. Ed. Carol Smallwood. Chicago: American Library Association, 2014. [Link]

Cho. Allan & Con, Ada. Partnerships Linking Cultures: Multicultural librarianship in British Columbia's Public Libraries.  Library Services for Multicultural Patrons to Encourage Library Use. Ed. Carol Smallwood and Kim Becnel. New York: Scarecrow Press, 2013. [Link]

Cho, Allan & Giustini, Dean. (2011). Web 3.0 and Health Librarians: What Does the Future Hold?  Using Web 2.0 for Health Information. Ed. Paula Younger and Peter Morgan.  London: Facet. [Link]

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